The Conson System delights home owners with its simplicity of use and reliability. It enables you to easily set scenes in your rooms and automate your lights with an almost completely free choice of keypad whilst all the time reducing the energy your home consumes.
The Conson Lighting and Automation Control System saves you energy every time you use your lights. The system automatically reduces the maximum wattage output without impacting upon the perceived level of light output. From this small and simple beginning all further activities reduce your energy consumption. An added benefit of this is longer bulb/fitting life which is good for you and the environment.

These days most rooms are required to fulfil multiple functions. Your living room might need to be a playroom by day, a relaxing retreat by weeknight and the heart of the party on Saturday night. Each of these uses would benefit from different lighting. The Conson System enables you to easily choose which “light scene” you’d like at any given time. This is substantially easier than the setting of each rotary dimmer separately and it enables you to consolidate the control of all your different types of luminaire no matter their type or function.
Ensuring all the lights are off is easy with the Conson System. From a single push button positioned wherever you’d like we can program the system to turn all the lights off. This is fantastically useful as you leave home or ensuring that it really is lights out time for the kids!
When you go on holidays the Conson Lighting and Automation Control System allows you to simulate occupancy of your home. Lights will turn on and off automatically to give the impression that you are at home thus enhancing your security.
The Conson System is keypad agnostic, enabling you to choose lighting control keypads to suit the décor in your home. As long as the keypad has a bell push or momentary mechanism it will work with the Conson System. Conson makes Scandinavian inspired keypads, however, you could also choose keypads from Clipsal, Hagar, HPM, Legrand, Yung or Forbes & Lomax to name but a few alternatives.

For Conson, controlling lights doesn’t just include your luminaries, it also includes controlling natural light. We can control and automate your electronic blinds, shutters, curtains and pergolas as part of the Conson System and we can even supply and install these as part of our solution.
The Conson Lighting and Automation Control System can automate functions for you. For example if you want your garden lights turned on at dusk and off at midnight or if you’d like your western facing blinds to automatically lower in the afternoon our system can do this for you automatically. We can also automate more complex tasks, for example, if you’d like a dim light path between your bed and the bathroom at night time activated when your feet touch the carpet, we can do this too.

Having complete control of your lights via keypads is great but having that and the ability to control them using your phone or tablet (Apple or Android) is even better. Using Conson’s APP means you have complete control of the lights in your home in a convenient, easy to use format.
The Conson System will also integrate with your home integration system. Conson has experience integrating with AMX, Bang & Olufsen, BitWise, Control4, Crestron, PUSH, RTI, Savant and URC.